Let the Fun Begin!
With the arrival of February comes a jolt of reality. Ready or not, Farm Season is right around the corner. And you know what? I am ready.
Over the next few weeks, I will share our 2022 plans for Love Led Farm. Some things, you will love. Others, maybe not so much but let’s save that for later. Today as we start the new year, how about a few pictures from my January break? And then maybe a short story about our latest addition–his name is George.
So What Did We Do in January?

We found cozy places to stay warm.

And explored the snowy woods.

We tried to keep the water thawed.

While still collecting lots of eggs.

We watched baby bellies grow,

And we welcomed a new friend.
Which Leads Me to George.
Loving variety and challenge, I welcome almost any animal to Love Led Farm but have held out on geese. Although they are great farmyard guardians, geese have the reputation of being people chasers. Since we encourage families to visit, that just won’t fly.
So when my grandson started his campaign, I steeled myself for what I knew was coming: “But, Ma…”
I’ll give myself credit. I really tried. It took Oliver about a month to convince me that: (1) “George never hurts anybody;” (2) “You can even pick him up…I do; and the ever effective, (3) “If you don’t take him he will get butchered.”
When his dad quietly told Oliver that Ma has a hard time saying, “no,” and admitted that George was tame, I knew I had been beaten. So with the words, “We’ll try him for awhile but if he chases ANYBODY…” George made his entrance.
I told the boys to put George in the big barn so he could help the cats with rat control. But George had other plans. When David went out to do the evening feeding, he found our new goose standing resolutely next to the Duck House door.
“I shall live here,” he told us, as he marched inside. And so he does, quite happily, I believe.
I will admit that there’s something about seeing a goose in your farm yard. The word “complete” comes to mind. Somehow, he just seems to fit. So I guess George can stay…by himself.
“Just one goose,” I practice saying over and over again. I’d say I have about a month to prepare myself for what will surely come next: “But Ma, George needs a girlfriend!”
Adventures never end on Love Led Farm, and 2022 will be no exception. Keep watching for future posts as our plans unfold.
We’ll talk again soon.