Time for Herd Shares
I just can’t help it! Like a grandma with her brag book, I just have to share pictures of this year’s first goat kids.


These are Holly’s girls. Holly is my dream goat. This sweetheart comes from an excellent lineage and is a wonderful mama who delivers beautiful healthy babies. She also gives an abundance of delicious milk.
And that’s what I want to talk with you about today.
If you have ever considered goat milk for yourself and your family, this your chance to try it. Our 2021 herd shares will begin May 1st.
Perhaps goat milk is a new idea for you. How can you get it? What does it taste like? Why would you want to consider it?
For starters, in Michigan it is illegal to sell goat milk unless you are a licensed dairy. However, it is perfectly legal for a goat herder to offer “shares.” Customers who buy a share of a dairy goat pay a monthly fee for the feeding, boarding, and care of the animal. In exchange, you get a portion of their milk each week.
Sound complicated? Not really. My herd share customers sign a couple of contracts that were written for me by the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Their monthly share costs are based upon the amount of milk they would like each week. They provide their own clean, sanitized jars, choose a day of the week, and regularly stop to pick up their portion of the milk.

Straining the milk
People choose to drink goat milk for a variety of reasons. Some like myself, love the taste and have experienced health benefits. My body tolerates it far better than cow’s milk.
Young families find that their lactose intolerant children can often digest goat milk–definitely a conversation to have with your doctor.
Other people use goat milk to make a variety of other dairy products. Kefir, yogurt, cheese, and even buttermilk can be easily made from goat milk. I make a spinach/herb cheese that is absolutely yummy.

Cultured yogurt, ready to be eaten or strained
But doesn’t goat milk taste funny? The first time I tried it, I was so surprised by the taste that I started laughing. Having prepared myself for something strange, I was amazed by how delicious fresh goat milk really was.
Much of the taste has to do with the health of the does and what they are eating. When fed and housed properly, goat milk should be pure white and should have a sweet, fresh taste.
Before you sign any herd share contract, ask to see the animals themselves. Where are they housed? How are they milked? Does the herd look sleek and healthy? Ask for a sample of their milk.
Have you been thinking about goat milk for you and your family? Not quite sure yet? Contact me for an honest discussion. We’ll arrange a visit to the farm–after all, you have simply got to meet these sweet babies. I will answer your questions and you can take home a sample to try.
Our goal is to provide pure, honest food answers for ourselves, for you, and for your family. Come and see us. We’re Love Led Farm.