The Road Ahead

Welcome Friends, to a brand new year!  As I write this, the sun is shining in a clear, blue sky and the trace of snow that we had has melted away.  What a wonderful way to begin 2019!

It would be easy to share an exciting assortment of ideas and plans for Love Led Farm with you today.  But not yet.  This year, David and I have chosen to begin with a new approach….one of preparing our hearts before our land.  And so, laying plans for the farm aside, we are beginning with a season of prayer for what God desires–first for us and then for His farm.

In the meantime, I encourage you to begin your own year in a thoughtful, prayerful fashion.  Before the making any resolutions, ask which ones He wants you to make, and then prepare to hold His hand as He leads you along the path.  The answers may surprise you by taking  you where you never thought you would be. But the path will be the right one because it has already been designed just for you.

Where will the road take us?  In the weeks and months to come, I will share that with you, for I think we have already been given some clues.  Better find your barn boots…you are going to want to come along, too!

Warmly, Robin

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