Goat Milk? Who Drinks That Stuff?

We start out backwards.

Dairy goats were always part of my plan.   I had dreamed of raising them.  Our land was well suited for them, and the market for their milk was increasing.  Finding customers would not be a problem.

But neither of us had actually ever tasted goat milk and that seemed just a bit important.  So David and I stood there, glasses in hand, daring each other to take the first sip.

“It’s probably going to taste funny.”

“We’ll just have to get used to it.”

“We’ve got to try it.  What will we tell our customers if we haven’t even tasted it?  Okay, on the count of three…”

One swallow later and I was laughing in amazement.  Where was the strange odor?  The funny taste?  This stuff was delicious!

“Wow, this is really good,” declared my newly converted husband.  “I like this better than cow’s milk!”

And with that, we unknowingly took a giant step towards better health.

Although I had done a great deal of study on goat husbandry before starting my herd, even now I am just beginning to learn and understand the benefits of goat milk.  So what I am sharing with you is simply my own experience.

First though, as anyone should do when sharing this sort of information, let’s start with a disclaimer.  My results may be vastly different than your own.  This is not intended to be medical advice.  Before making any major changes to your diet, especially if you have a true milk allergy, be sure to talk with health care professionals and do your own research carefully.  I drink and cook with raw milk.  You will need to decide if that is right for you or if pasteurized milk is a better choice.

My mom was an advocate of cow’s milk, and for good reason:  “Milk does a body good.”  I enjoyed the taste and faithfully drank my 3 daily servings without complaint.  I was also sick…a lot.

As a child, ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and congestion were constant companions.  I had allergies and while I wasn’t really overweight, I always felt a bit chubby.  Some issues I grew out of, while others remained with me into adulthood.

A growing number of health professionals, including my sister, began drawing the connection between dairy products and chronic illnesses such as allergies and inflammation.  Her whole family had trouble with dairy and they eliminated most of it from their diet.

Then I had a daughter who was born with an obvious lactose intolerance.  Being a nursing mom, rather than giving up breastfeeding, I chose to avoid all dairy.  Guess what?  Not only was she more comfortable, but I noticed that my own chronic congestion had significantly decreased.  I felt better than I could remember.  Cow’s milk became history.

In the years to follow, I began reading about the human body’s ability to tolerate goat milk more readily than cow milk so by the time I began milking my own does, I was ready for the big test.  Would my health issues return?

The results?  No congestion.  No sinus issues.  Unexpectedly, I also found that on raw, full-fat goat milk my digestive system improved.  I lost weight, and my skin became healthier.

And then there was the dog.  Early in her life, Allie contracted Lyme’s Disease which left her with frequent tummy troubles.  On a whim, I began giving her raw goat milk each morning and, you guessed it, no more diarrhea.  Now, all of my animals get a daily serving.

How about you?  Are you ready to give sweet, delicious goat’s milk a try?  Milking season has begun and we have a few available herd shares.  Call or email me for details.  If you aren’t sure about a share yet, plan a visit to the farm for a free sample. 

But be prepared–you just might be in for a pleasant surprise!

Want to do your own research?  Take a look at these websites:

*These folks have some great articles…www.everything-goat-milk.com

*Here’s another article: “Raw Goat Milk Offers Many Benefits”  http://www.naturalnews.com/031586_raw_goats_milk_health.html

*And for an interesting comparison between goat milk and cow milk, see:  http://www.prevention.com/content/which-healthier-goat-milk-vs-cow-milk.


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