
Each week I eagerly write about chickens, and goats–what-to-buys and what-to-dos.  But occasionally, it seems appropriate to switch from “telling and selling,” to “thinking and thanking.”

Several years ago, we spent some time in a third world country where the poor still live in garbage dumps and the rich live in houses surrounded by barbed wire and machine-gun armed guards.  Our hosts, who were considered wealthy in their town, sparsely furnished their home with furniture we would consider garage sale quality.  They gladly cooked all day to provide our meager meals of tortillas, beans, and rice.  I will never forget watching children in one remote village where we served, playing delightedly with a plastic bag that once contained the ration of rice we had brought for them.  The bag was their new toy, and they were both grateful for it and content with it.  What I witnessed was life changing and I returned to our United States of America with a new pair of eyes.

I have so much.  I live in a country where I am free to dream a potentially reachable dream,  freedom to choose my lifestyle, my occupation, my home, and my food.   No one tells me what to raise on my farm; I have no government-regulated quotas to fill; I can grow and raise as much as I want and then stop if I choose.

Through the sacrifices of others I gained those choices–not only the freedom to pursue dreams and a lifestyle, but also the freedom to choose contentment:  to say, “I have plenty–in fact, I have more than enough.

So as we stop to celebrate our nation’s independence, won’t you join me by stopping to think and thank?  In this nation, imperfect as it is, what do you have for which you are grateful?  Who paid the price for your freedom?  For your choices?  For your plenty?  Somebody did.  Have you thanked them?

To all of you who have joined hands and hearts to preserve and protect this great land, we at Love Led Farm say, “Thank You!”

Happy Birthday, America!


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