Duck, Duck, Eggs!

The other day, David asked me why we had waited so long to add ducks to the farm.  And other than the lack of a good place for them to sleep at night (seemed like a good reason), I couldn’t come up with an answer.  Whether they are playing in their pool or marching around the farm, ducks are pure entertainment.  Their aid in pest and weed control is unequaled and most appreciated, but the biggest payoff for us is eggs.

Like chickens, breeds of ducks are chosen for different purposes.   White Pekin ducks are traditionally raised for their meat.  We have several in our freezer.  Our Golden Layers are egg ducks and they actually outlay most chickens.

But why on earth would someone choose duck eggs over chicken eggs? Don’t they taste “funny?”

In answer to this question, I am sharing a link to an article that Mother Earth News posted.  Check this out for a great comparison:

Having cooked with, baked with, and eaten our own duck eggs, I can honestly say that there is not much difference in the taste.  That is probably because our ducks eat the same gmo-free feed as the hens.  Duck eggs, being higher in protein, do fill me up more quickly and sustain my appetite longer.

I am still experimenting with recipe conversions…how many duck eggs to use in place of chicken eggs…and will report my findings at a later time.

In the meantime, here’s photo of side-by-side fried eggs that I prepared the other day.

The double yokker on the left is the duck egg; the chicken egg is on the right.  As you can see, the duck egg has less white and the yoke(s) rise higher.  Some people think this makes duck eggs a bit tougher when fried and choose to steam their eggs with a bit of water and a pan lid.  When the eggs are scrambled, we taste no appreciable difference and even my grandchildren can’t tell.  We have successfully used them in french toast and egg casseroles.  They would also make an excellent fritata.

Duck eggs are higher in cholesterol than chicken eggs.  If this concerns you, be sure to do some research and discuss it with your health care provider.

Our duck eggs are sold by the dozen and are stored in the farm fridge.  Contact me if you are interested and I’ll make sure there are some available for you.  If you aren’t quite sure, just ask and I’ll gladly give you a couple of eggs to experiment with.

Gmo-free duck eggs, chicken eggs, and pasture-raised chicken.  Love Led Farm has just what you need to provide nutritious, deliciously pure foods for your family.  Hope to see you soon!


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