Rainy Days and Sunshine

It rained again this morning, for the “bazillionth” time.  Okay, maybe that isn’t a word but once again, Allie and I sloshed our way through not-so-tiny rivers that are running all over the farm.  But in the past few days, there has been a difference.  Today the clouds unfurled, revealing blue skies and sunshine.  And here I sit in short sleeves and sandals, anticipating temperatures that promise to be comfortable.  Our cold spring is waving good bye and a warmer, friendlier summer is smiling at us.

I do not believe I am the only one rejoicing.   Last night, the goats eagerly scampered up and down our hill, gobbling up the tall, sweet-tasting grass.  The hogs are creating new mud baths and are now more commonly found outside of the barn than in.  The sheep are more easily ushered out the door to spend the afternoon in the pasture, and the meat chicks are peeping their pleas to be allowed outside–very soon, guys, but first let’s see a few more waterproof feathers.

Almost ready for the great outdoors

Lois learns about the sweet taste of spring grass.

I share all of this for fun and to remind you that as swiftly as summer approaches, it will be gone.  So before you pack that beach bag and camping gear, heed this gentle reminder:

Don’t forget to order your meat chickens.

We still have plenty but they will sell out quickly.  Whether for barbecuing this summer or soothing soup next winter, make sure your freezer is filled with the best free-range, gmo-free chicken you’ll ever taste.

And for a fun summer spot to bring your children, why not plan a visit to Love Led Farm?  Contact us, and we will be happy to arrange a friendly tour.

Enjoy the season, friends, and let us answer any questions you have about our farm and products.


A Time for Thankfulness

Perhaps this is a teaser:  I have another soup recipe for you and will share it….next week.  But today, I am being led in different direction.

It is no secret that the pace of a farm is hectic for most of the year.  In these final weeks before snow flies and the ground freezes, our to-do list far outweighs our available hours and  manpower.  This morning, as I was preparing for yet another high-speed day, the Voice I depend upon whispered rather loudly, “Be Thankful.”

“Hmm, ” I acknowledged.  “As usual, You are so right!  I need to stop and be thankful….how about next month?”

“Check your calendar,” He said.

A quick glance reminded me that November first was….tomorrow…which is now today.  How timely!  Was this a coincidence?  I hardly think so.

And so, I am about to begin a new adventure which I am calling, Thirty Days of Thankfulness.   If you would care to join me, I will post pictures and prose on Instagram and will share them to Facebook each day for the month of November.  If you don’t follow Love Led Farm on Instagram yet, consider this your invitation to do so or invite someone who would also enjoy these posts.  And if you would really like to participate, why not add your own thoughts of thankfulness?

Joyful hearts begin with thankful hearts.  Let’s all take a break from Life to be grateful for the limitless blessings that we enjoy each day.

The Reminder

When our grandchildren come, the world stops.  And this is a very good thing, especially in August when our farming world is spinning so wildly that we ask ourselves, “Why are we doing this?”  In August, harvesting and preserving begin in earnest.  We have more chickens than we can possibly count.  The baby goats are no longer so little and cute–they are big and hungry.  And the race is on to finish far too many projects before the snow flies.

Last week, all four grandchildren were here for several days–Cousin Camp.  For a week, the world stopped and by the time they left and life regained its speed, we remembered why we have this special place called Love Led Farm.