Getting Through Winter Means Planning for Spring

As I told you before, Winter and I don’t exactly get along.  By last November, I had already saved a Spring Countdown Calendar on my computer just for the blissful assurance that, “this too shall pass.”

Thankfully, in February another calendar speeds Winter right along:  Spring Planning.

In March, the piglets and lambs will arrive.  On April 1st, the does are both due to give birth.  The barn will be bouncing with babies!  Milking and cheese making will resume.  By May, the first 100 meat bird chicks will arrive and it will be time to start planting the garden.

Hmm, I might actually enjoy these last few weeks of winter rest!

So what does all of this mean for you?  It’s time for you to start planning, too!  Are you thinking of fresh meat, eggs, and milk?  I can help with that!

Since they will arrive first, let’s talk about hogs today.  We start them in March and butcher in the fall, just when you are filling your freezer. Our precious piggies are fed plenty of fruits, vegetables, and goat milk and are handled with the kindest of care.  The result is excellent, tender meat without an over abundance of fat.  You will work directly with Byron Center Meats to create a package that is perfect for your needs.  Imagine reaching into your freezer next winter for chops, ribs, a roast, or a pound of bacon because you planned ahead.

We sell our hogs by the whole, half, or quarter and we purchase our piglets according to the number pre-ordered by our friends and customers.  Don’t miss out!

For more information and to reserve yours, simply call, text, or email.  Then when they arrive, why not plan a visit to meet your very own pig ? How fun is that?!

Thinking about farming for friends like you warms my heart!  And that puts some Spring into any cold Winter day.




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