Balancing My Year

“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” Jana Kingsford

Nature teaches us the truth about balance.  God’s plants and animals know that there is a time for growing, producing, harvesting, and resting.  It seems that we humans learn a bit more slowly.  But when my body and pen were overly taxed, thanks to two back-to-back viruses, January became a time to rest and recoup.  Resting the body, however, did not mean relaxing the mind.  And so January also was a month of thinking, accessing, learning, and planning.

I am so excited about the months ahead!

The first big news to share with you is that in March, after 11 years, I will be leaving my off-the-farm job to become a full-time farmer.  For me, this is a dream come true; for you it means more availability to help with questions and visits.   In fact, this summer I will establish weekly”store hours” when someone will be available on the premises to personally help with anything you need.

Here is a summary of 2017 and then a quick peak at a few of the plans we have for 2018:

*Goats – Four herd share customers shared the milk of two goats last year.  This year, I have bred a third doe, which means there will be more herd shares available.  Call or email me if you are interested.  Herd shares will begin in May.

*Eggs – In 2017, we sold 90-100 dozen eggs per month.  That’s quite an omelet!  We will continue to expand the flock this year, and yes, Oliver does have his famous blue eggs to sell.  The roadside sign will probably go up in May.  Until then, call or email if you want eggs.  We have plenty.

*Meat Chickens – Last year we raised almost 200 delicious chickens.  This year, we plan to raise 300.  Due to Michigan’s finicky spring weather, we will start the first flock in early May.  Pick-Up Days will again be in June, August, and September.  Watch future posts for details and start planning your order.

*Hogs – David and Oliver will be raising a few hogs this year.  You will be able to order quarters, halves and whole.  Their plans are to start the piglets in early April and  finish them by November.   Let me know if you are interested so that they will raise enough.

*Sheep – This will be my “practice” year as I expand into non-gmo, grassfed lambs.  This year’s flock will be small but if you are interested in lamb for your freezer this fall, let me know.

*Turkeys – We have talked about it for years–non-gmo, pastured turkeys.  This year, we will add them to the farm.  You’ve enjoyed our chicken.  Why not buy your Thanksgiving turkey from us, too?  Details will be coming, so watch and prepare to order yours.

What an ambitious year!  I can feel my impatience, waiting for spring to arrive so we can take off running.  But even as I write,  I remember the need for balance.  So instead of impatience, let me choose gratitude for these cold winter months.  I need them, if only to remember that things other than farms are important, too…like the four little people who call us Papa and Nana.



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